Falls Cable Corporation, the public access television station for the towns of Shelburne and Buckland and the village of Shelburne Falls, strives to maintain an informed public through coverage of local public and educational events and governmental meetings, some of which might not otherwise receive media attention. In this capacity, the station also serves as an archive for those events that are televised.
Falls Cable was also created to provide members of the station’s viewing public access to the cable network through its television production facilities, which are available for personal use, under the supervision and guidelines of the Falls Cable Corp. Board of Directors and the station’s staff.
Falls Cable is volunteer driven. Volunteers get the opportunity to learn broadcast TV technology by participating in the production of our in-studio programs. The studio is located inside Mohawk Trail Regional School. For each in-studio show, jobs include director, producer, camera operator(s), audio technician, graphics. Throughout the year a variety of school events are broadcast from the school auditorium.
We also broadcast live, on location, the meetings of the Shelburne and Buckland Selectboards. These broadcasts are produced by volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please call the station at 413-625-8371 or email us at info@fallscable.com.
We encourage volunteers and other community members to produce and submit local content for broadcast. Filming and editing equipment is available for sign-out.
Comcast cable subscribers can watch Falls Cable on channel 9 in Shelburne and Buckland.